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Redefining Landscape: Series II

My very first post on this website was a collection of my Redefining Landscape prints from undergrad. This was one of two (maybe 3?) assignments from coursework while getting my Bachelor's degree in studio art (which was never my plan as a high school student) that really challenged me creatively. This assignment made me feel like a true creative. It challenged my imagination, my vision, and my approach to everything. And the thing is, I didn't even delve that far from the inspirational Alfred Stieglitz Equivalence collection which inspired the assignment!

So, all that to say, I've been poking around at growing this collection over the years. Here is the second bunch in this series that I love.

These will make their way into the Redefining Landscape shop on my prints page in time! Please never hesitate to ask for any specific photos to get posted for purchase. Thanks for viewing!

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